Annoying White Ball

March 30, 2020

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When I was a child I really wanted to have Amiga 500, but that dream never came true. When my friends were playing with Amiga, Nintendo or Sega I was stuck with C64. C64 was a stepup from VIC-20 that I had inherited from my brothers, but it was nowhere as fancy as Amiga 500.

I think I have tried to fulfill this childhood dream as an adult by buying a lot of games, computers and consoles. I have way more consoles than anybody would ever really need, but still no Amiga 500. Maybe I appreciate that machine mostly because I never have had one and buying one now would be just one huge let down.

I appreciate many things in life that require skills that I feel I do not have myself. I love music but learning to play an instrument seems like the most difficult thing in the world. Looking at art people around the world or even within the family can create is always wonderful, but drawing a picture myself that resembles something is almost impossible.

Making games is something that requires many of those skills I don’t feel like I posses, but for some strange reason I have given it a go several times. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I do consider myself as somewhat skilled in programming and back in the day you had to be a programmer to create games. I don’t think that is true anymore as games are more and more about content and less about technology.

Once I even released a game called “Cat Invaders” that told a story about cats crawling into bed while humans were sleeping. This game was entirely written in Java but unfortunately it wasn’t quite as successful as another game written in Java called Minecraft (which was definitely not written by me, but rather by some fellow from Sweden).

Another game I created is called “Jumper” but I don’t think I ever made it available anywhere. I did show it to some colleagues at work as it was running on my Nokia Lumia phone. Jumper is a one button auto runner game in 3D and it was created with Unity. I still have the source code most probably lying around somewhere so maybe I release Jumper also in the future.

Annoying White Ball is a game I started in 2017 according to commit messages in version control. For some reason that I do not remember, this game was never completed. Many things have happened in life since I started development of the game and latest of these incidents is of course COVID-19 which has locked us all inside our houses with much less ways of spending free time than usually. For me completing this game has been one way of keeping my head in shape while all the normal things in life are just not possible. The game itself is not that long but as the title says, it can be a bit annoying.

All of our 4 kids helped me out with some of the levels and my wife created the very special last level that is definitely worth seeing.

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